Institute of Space Sciences
The Institute of Space Sciences pertains to the “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas” (the Spanish National Research Council, usually called CSIC) and it articulates the CSIC participation in the confederation of independent institutes affiliated with the “Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya” (IEEC).
The Institute of Space Sciences participates at a significant level in more than a dozen missions and ground-based experiments. Among these we can quote a significant participation in missions of the importance of LISA Pathfinder & LISA for the detection of the gravitational waves (for the former, we did the essential-to-the-mission Data Management Unity and were responsible of the Data Diagnostic Subsystem), Euclid (we are responsible of instrument filter tray, and in the Ground Segment, leading the Simulations Organization Unit and the Photometric Redshift Organization Unit), and the NASA led Fermi-Gamma-ray Observatory (in the Science Team already before launch, being the only institution in Spain that is member of the collaboration running such facility). From the ground, we have made significant contributions to experiments such as the Cherenkov Telescope Array (developing its complex scheduling system), the Dark Energy Survey (contributing to the DECam CCD, electronics and Telescope guider), and are scientifically leading the CARMENES spectrograph.
The main asset (and aim) of the Institute of Space Sciences is the ability of producing cutting-edge theoretical and phenomenological modelling of what we study observationally, so that we close that virtuous circle that goes from technological development, to observations, to understanding, by participating in all three.
Institute of Space Sciences (IEEC-CSIC)Campus UAB, Carrer de Can Magrans, s/nE-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)Phone: +34 93 737 9788Email: